Monday, March 1, 2010

Teaser Tuesday - 100302

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

•Grab your current read
•Open to a random page
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
•BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
•Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

The lost life by Steven Carroll

Instead of just undressing in front of each other, which they have never done, they would be bathing together. Bathing is good like that, gives you a reason, she thinks, as she tamps along just a bit behind.

pg. 4

I just started reading this book today and am just about finished it. It is easy to read and quite interesting. This is one of the books my mum gave me for Christmas and is signed by the author :). It is set in 1934 in England and tells the story of two sets of lovers.


Novroz said...

She is right!! There is a reason to be undressed if you're planning to take a bath ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice teaser, sounds like you are enjoying this one. I like the cover design too (I know you shouldn't judge but it would draw my eye)

Marg said...

One day I will read Steven Carroll, mainly because he is an Aussie author!

My teaser is here

Clarissa said...

Jacintah - a good cover will always make you pick up a book i reckon...when you have nothing else to go by

Darlyn said...

wow...i like the part of undressing together *LOL*

here's mine;

Lori said...

I am loving the cover to this book. Interesting teaser. Here's Mine.

Jennifer said...

Interesting and though provoking teaser. Fantastic cover. I cannot wait to read your review.

Kaye said...

Love the cover! Glad to hear you are enjoying the book so much. Sounds like your Mom really knows your taste. Here's my teaser and giveaway

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

Sounds like things might be getting steamy in every sense of the word?!? Great teaser!

Mine is here.

Stephanie said...

This sounds intriguing!

My teaser: A Bit of Chick Lit for Teaser Tuesday

Alice Audrey said...

A Romance novel? I love Romance novels.

Book Soulmates said...

Sounds interesting...I like it. And the cover is very pretty!

Here are our teasers for this week :)


Zia said...

Interesting. I will have to check this out. Great teaser.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

This sounds intriguing! Lovely cover, too.

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

What a great cover. great to hear you enjoy the read.
Interesting teaser. I've never bathed with someone but in a BIG tub would be romantic.

Here's mine:

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

i have heard a lot of good things about this author and would be really interested in reading this book

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, things about to get steamy? Glad you're enjoying this one!

pussreboots said...

Hmmm. Thanks for stopping by my teaser.