Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sally and the limpet

I found the best book ever - it features limpets (what i study). How could i resist buying it for my niece!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

LibraryThing and reviews of early release books

This year i joined LibraryThing which is a website where you can catalogue all your books, similar to Goodreads which you may have heard of. It is very addictive, adding all the books you have read and listing the ones you want to read. I find it great as it gives you book recomenndations based on what books you have already have, both through automated methods and by other members of the website.

What I also enjoy is how it has a service called "LibraryThing Early Reviewers" which provides free pre-release books to members willing to review them. Every month a list of books is released and you can request which books you would like to review. So far I have been selected to review 3 books, the reviews of which I have listed below. Unfortunately, living in Australia most books listed are only available for people in the US. You make think that most of the books are the type not likely to be very popular but this is not the case. In previous months the list has included "Bring up the Bodies" by Hilary Mantel - the sequel to Wolf Hall which won the Man Booker Prize a few years ago!

Below are the two books I have reviewed so far - just very brief reviews though

On the Edge by Gill Shutt
An interesting book, though I found it a bit disconcerting at times. I found myself seeing it as a reflection on human behaviour or the evolution of behaviour. The style is easy to read but I could not read it all in one sitting. 3 Stars

Hepen the Watcher by Linda Nagata
I found the book suprisingly enjoyable though it does contain some adult themes so not suitable for a younger readership. The female characters were strong and I could find myself relating to the problems they faced. Plot: fast paced and kept you interested. Writing style: easy to read. I will be on the look out for books by the same author. 4 Stars

* note in no way has this post been asked for or anything..i just really like using the website and I thought not as many people may have heard of it as opposed to Goodreads

Eurovision 2012

Sunday Night went to an awesome Eurovision party!

I am really liking a lot of the songs from it this year - can't stop listening to them on youtube. Here are some my favourite

The winner - Sweden - love this song.

Germany - cute guy

Malta - love those foot movements - check it out from 1.01 minutes

Turkey - So outrageously crazy!

It was a fantastic night with friends, laughing at all the craziness, and occasional cute guys with hot dance moves...

We all dressed up as different countries - I was Italy - as a piece of spaghetti. Photo to soon follow

Did anyone else watch any eurovision?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Men and hair(cuts)

Just a quick post about something which came up for me today.

I just hate when boyfriends or guys you are interested in have a haircut - and they end of with next to nothing in the hair department!!! Grrrr. For me, I like to have something to run my hands through. I don't get the shaved look. Sigh

Just needed to vent my frustration as this cute guy decided to practically chop off all his hair off today.

What hair does it for you and how do you react when your guy/interest changes it?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am back

Hi Everyone, I have decided to start blogging again! Yay. Proper blog post to follow in next few days. Cheers Clarissa Head Limpet follower